Sunday, October 23, 2011
Keeping GMO's off your Plate
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Winter Park Urban farm experiment

Friday, September 23, 2011
Making Connections: Anarchy & Permanent Culture
Permaculture is about allowing natural systems to exist. Its about helping them to become more diverse and therefore, strong, healthy, and “more productive”. Modern thinking and philosophy involves that you apply force to a system in order to bend it to your will, that we become "masters over nature". The conventional approach is that a system will either perform as you instruct it, or be destroyed and replaced. And I do mean DESTROYED. Current landscaping techniques vitiate healthy natural systems so that they can install a particular order that is convenient to manipulate and control, but that devastate millions of years of perfectly balanced ecosystems. This can sometimes be repaired, but the overall pollution may make some areas toxic breeding grounds, incapable of sustaining life.
The good news is that natural, organic systems, although complex, can be “guided” along with ever diminishing need for human intervention by the use of bio-mimicry. Of course the answer is not to destroy the natural systems in the first place. Our best option would be to allow the system to interact, while introducing beneficial elements that offset our use of an area.
These natural systems, I believe, are the essence of anarchism. Anyone who has observed nature can tell you is that when you change the natural balance of a system, the end results are almost always a disaster. Anarchism is about belonging to natural systems. Those that evolve from free interaction between autonomous actors, both in nature and in human social structures. And as with permaculture, it is necessary that each actor be allowed to evolve and grow. As the anarchist-ecologist Murray Bookchin put it,
"The notion that man must dominate nature emerges directly from the domination of man by man...But it was not until organic community relation...dissolved into market relationships that the planet itself was reduced to a resource for exploitation."
Unnatural systems force actors to perform in a rigid manner, or risk destruction. Natural systems allow actors to unfold as a part of their environment, providing fertile ground that promotes growth, diversity, and resilience, not destruction.
We, as living organisms, evolve along with our environment. The mutilation of these natural systems destroys not only that system or resource, but destroys life on a cellular level that even human stewardship cannot redeem. Fortunately, we don’t have to rely on artificial science to fix the problems humans create in their environment, including their social structures. Natural systems already know how to deal with those problems. If only we would let nature reign.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Simple Living Organic Grower's Meeting – the Seed Exchange
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Orlando Permaculture Design Course

We are pleased to offer the second Permaculture Design Course at the Econ Farm in Orlando, FL. This will be a weekend-format 72-hour course that will give you an in-depth understanding of Permaculture design concepts and applications in the Central Florida region. Participants that attend all sessions of this class and complete the final design project will receive a certificate in Permaculture Design.
Permaculture is a design for sustainable living. Permaculture's foundation of principles and design concepts are universal and can be suited for any region or location. The principles of permaculture can help us reduce society's overuse of industrially produced resources which are destroying the Earth's ecosystems and help us transition to self-reliant homesteads.
Course Dates:
September 17 and 24
October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29
November 5 and 6
Fee: $1,150 members / $1,200 non-members
Advanced Registration Required! Class size limited to 12 people.
Registration ends Sept 7th, 2011
Contact us to request the course overview
Tia Meer at (321) 217-8492
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Mead Garden Community Garden

Join us for a volunteer work day at Mead Garden's Community Garden in Winter Park. The community garden is also looking to fill some vacant plots. Meet at the garden site at 8:45am and bring hat, sunscreen, water, and tools to trim brush and trees. More info and map to the garden site at
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Our Local Food Guide

The Central Florida Local Food Guide will be the first comprehensive listing of farms, community gardens, and farmers markets in the region. It has been our largest and most exciting project of the year. Join Simple Living Institute and learn about the Guide, soon to be released. Andrew Landis, director of the project, will be presenting and we will be recognizing our sponsors, Our Vital Earth, Winter Park Harvest Festival, Simply Well, First Unitarian Church, and Winter Park Health Foundation. Our Guide is scheduled for release late this summer. More info on our website at
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Free Electronic Waste Recycling Saturday, June 11th, 2011
They will be collecting the following items for recycling:
• Computer Monitors
• Televisions (limit one per household)
• Telephones
• Cell Phones
• Telephone Systems
• Fax Machines
• Central Office Equipment
• Rechargeable Batteries
• Electronic Circuit Boards and Components
• Stereo Equipment
• Games
• PDA's
For complete details, please see the Keep Orlando Beautiful pdf flyer:
Electronic Waste Collection (.pdf)
This is a free service and we at Simple Living encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
How to Remove Grass for a Garden

3. Lay the cardboard down starting at the corner of the garden where the first plots will go, be sure to overlap sides so no grass can peek through
Friday, May 13, 2011
U-Pick saves the the grower the harvesting, washing, packing, labeling, transport, sales commission fees, invoicing, and possible inspection costs (organic labeling provides customers the trust when direct inspection {Caveat Emptor} isn't available). The customer base is limited by driving distances factored by crop selection. But once a local customer is hooked up with a local grower, the relationship is similar to your own backyard garden.
Farmer's Markets requires the grower to harvest, pack, transport, and sell (serious time investment), but dodges the labeling, sales commission, and some of the inspection requirements if his customers are familiar with his operation. Pre-sold harvests to repeat customers are incredibly valuable beyond just money. And vending at a local market can be a lot of fun meeting everyone!
Local grocery retail sales have almost all the costs involved, but the local retailer's connection to the community can be invaluable. Big box groceries are curious to meet local growers, but often have administrative rules affecting local managers.
Restaurant sales can be interesting, especially when the chef involves the grower in the seasonal menu creation. Consistency of product and production is critical. Restaurants need the profit margin only available with discount pricing.
Onsite, farmstand, retail sales aren't very common here in Central Florida. Zoning laws abound and travel to remote rural farms sucks gas. It's an option that should be considered carefully.
Selling to wholesalers, resellers, storefront produce markets is out there. Research opportunities for consistent production needs. Do you have to deliver or will they send their transport for a pick-up.
I'm sure there are plenty more options out there. What methods have you found to actually bring your crops to market?
Hope to see you in the garden, Tom.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Perfect Pickling with Bill Hetting

At our last Organic growers Meeting we had a pickling demonstration by pickle master Bill Hetting. About 100 people attended and some took part in making their own pickles to take home. We pickled daikon radish, carrots that I grew, and jimcama. Check out the video of the event at
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Permaculture Class Begins!
A little about our instructors:
Bradford White is an Ecologist, world traveler, and Gaia University associate on the track of integrative eco-social design. Bradford has lived and worked on permaculture, food forestry, and perennial food systems projects throughout Central America, the Pacific Northwest, and Orlando, FL in the last year and a half.
Tia Meer grew up on a 13-acre organic farm in Pittsburgh, PA and has had a lifelong passion for growing food organically and lessening our impact on Mother Earth. Tia has studied Permaculture in Costa Rica, Bio-dynamic gardening on the Big Island of Hawaii, and GROW BIOINTENSIVE gardening with John Jeavons in Willits, CA.
Terry Meer grew up on a sailboat in the Florida Keys. Living on a sailboat, Terry learned about energy and water conservation, solar and wind power at an early age. Terry’s expertise is in designing and building small off-the-grid systems for homeowners interested in sustainability and for use in remote locations.
Our students are a wide range of talented, ambitious community members with an amazing bank of knowledge and experience to contribute .
A photo of the class touring and learning about the permaculture techniques implemented at the Econ Farm
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Audubon Park Community Garden (3/6)
The garden itself is being placed in between the sidewalk and the baseball field, and in my mind means that many kids and their parents are going to see these wonderful folks tending their food and plants up-close. For those that have not had any exposure to plants, the soil and the joy of tending both it could be just what they need to consider their own garden or plants.
I was so excited to see there wasn't going to be a fence, as it implies there isn't any need to keep anyone out. Of course their was some concern, understandably, but I'm a firm believer that if you put out positive thoughts, that is exactly what you will get in return.
In this garden there will be a 10 - 4'x10' beds. Three interspersed in between trees beside the sidewalk and seven in a row behind that. As always, it was wonderful to meet new folks and see the wide diversity of people. One lady had her camera and of course found plenty of subjects to record, one man brought out his daughter to partake in the experience of creating their garden. We of course brought our dog, as he's part of the family too.
While we didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked, my husband, son and I each worked on three different beds and had a great time helping out.
I must say it is was amazing to watch Tia and Tommy make short work of laying out the beds so we could dig up the grass, sift the sand back into the plots and then rake them clean.
By the time we left the first three beds were well underway and those that will have bed here, were very happy preparing the earth to receive love and care.
Ann S.
Central Florida Fair
I am constantly amazed by the enormous diversity of people filtering through an event that stop and chat with you about their interest in eating food from their own garden, or the health aspects of eating what you grow, and of course those who love to dig in the dirt.
I especially appreciate those individuals who stop yet aren't really sure which part they are most interested in because they haven't done much of it. They want "to do something", but aren't necessarily sure where to start. These wonderful people are like seedlings; they need lots of sunlight (a warm greeting and a friendly smile), a good base soil (invite them to come to a workshop or check out what they could be doing) and lots of water to spur the grow (encouragement that starting with just one pot is wonderful).
Below are a few conversations that stuck out in my mind, that I though I would share;
One women, Wanda, who we saw at a previous event, was interested in everything and eager to find people who would take the time to answer her questions. We talked about ways she could possibly improve her health and remedy a long suffering skin irritant. My husband talked her ear off with enthusiasm about his experiences in health and wellness. Wanda was even a brave enough soul to try the sunflower sprouts, even though at the time we weren't positive what type of sprout they were. ;)
A man who came by who was interested in growing primarily as a means to get his son involved outside, and so we talked about how excited my son has been to dig, pull, cut, snip WHATEVER he can do to be part of a gardening experience. He was concerned that his son was too young at first, but I think our story has inspired him just a little, to know that any age, any pace, any ability can come out and do what works for them through Simple Living.
Lastly, I spoke to a women from New Zealand. She indicated back home it is common to have a garden. In fact, the "norm" is to see people out tending to plants and animals. She also mentioned she had a good laugh watching the First Lady out on the White House lawn using a spade when she had clearly never used one. To me, it was heartening to see Michelle Obama, out there. Politics aside, the exposure brings more people searching for ways to bring some of what the "First Family" does back into their lives and I would love to see some of New Zealand brought to North America by way of gardens.
The Central Florida Fair is apparently a big deal here- who knew? We thoroughly enjoyed the small town feel coupled with the openness of the participants. A big,Thank you, to the fair coordinators for putting us in a high trafficked location that allowed us to pass out ever copy of Real Florida Gardner magazine and chat with some excellent folks!
Ann S.
Rollins College Philanthropic Center Membership Appreciation night (Feb 22)
Coytown Garden (Feb 15)
We were excited to help with this wonderful project at Coytown Garden (just off 50 near Colonial Plaza Shopping Center). We were surprised by how large a group had already gathered when we got their at 8:50 on Saturday morning. It turns out volunteers from the Orlando Mountain Bike group and Summit Church were on hand to help out as well.
The first thing you notice is this was a former military site. The buildings aren't a dead give away, but the fenced in area with traditional barbed wire top sure was. Making our way towards check-in I was excited to see many families coming to help with small children - it is heartwarming to see little ones putting on gardening gloves!! At the talk before we get started, we found out their will also be a mountain biking trail that is opening up, so bike enthusiasts keep an eye on this project it's going to be good fun to enjoy Florida style mountain bike trails....... Summit church was also hosting a bbq near their church afterwards as a thank you for a job well done, bonus!
After signing in their were three groups; Those working the mountain bike trail sort of disappeared into the wilderness. A group headed off to the park perimeter and soon we could hear a chainsaw buzzing to clear a few trees and debris a bit later. We headed over to the garden area and met Brendan Wood, the organizer of this project and Tia Meer who is doing lots to help get the garden up and running. Our task was to help clear debris inside the fenced in area which had once held ammunitions (I believe) and is 100' by 130' a BIG garden site. Tia told us later on, the first stage will be to have 27 beds. We got to work - with my husband and I raking and our son jumped in with loppers to go at a huge mound of tree roots. ;)
It was fantastic to see such diversity in one space, just like nature itself, there were kids around 3, teens, a host of college students, who were adept at keeping our 8yr old son engaged and lopping off tree root after tree root. All in all; there was much raking and hacking, pieces of fence were ripped off, the barbed wire came down (yippee!) and mulch was layed.
It was quite a transformation!! In just 3 hours this area really felt like it was soon to be a garden. How very exciting.
We headed over and were pleasantly surprised by the large Summit Church BBQ, we got our 4R sandwich, chips and an icy cold drink and headed back to the warmth of the car it had been a busy morning. We were ready to stretch out at home and relax our muscles. :)
The Coytown Garden has it's own website where Brendan details the steps taken to get this far and up and coming events.
Orlando Permaculture Design Course
The first day of a 72 hr Permaculture Design Course in Orlando, was an exciting and abundantly fascinating experience at Econ Farm, home of Simple Living Institute's president and board members Tia and Terry Meer. Our instructors Bradford White, Tia and Terry Meer have an apparent wealth of knowledge and experience to guide us, a class of 14 very interesting students in the Permaculture Design Course. The instructors each have extensive hands on experience in the worlds of ecology, sustainability, teaching and much more.
The "learning" was dynamic, from the beginnings of meditation to relax and focus, intructional speaking, group discussions of exploration into the fascinating worlds of Permaculture and we enjoyed every moment at Econ Farm and were energized by our instructor's and our own passions for the sharing of information and good will.
I am very thankful to be a part of this course and wonderful group of people.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Market Gardener's Committee
Just as we've kicked our gardens into high-gear for Spring, events have transpired for us to see the creation of a "Market Gardener's Committee" at Simple Living Institute. And since I was the one silly enough to initially float such an outlandish idea, the mantle of Chairman has settled around my 'to-do' list. So for now, we'll call this blog home, and figure out where we're going with this committee.
The inception came via the "Central Florida Sustainable Food Project" meetings I attended as basically a curious market gardener and eater. I enjoyed everyone's welcomes, but didn't have a committee project to contribute to. Hanging with the other market gardeners evolved into my primary interest, so I suggested to Andrew Landis about forming a vehicle for us to formally contribute.
The only purpose for the committee's existence it to provide a communications portal so all us market gardeners can brainstorm with like minded souls (plants rarely choose to carry on their end of the conversation). For now, this blog is the portal. I've got a few ideas about meeting locations (that Irish pub last month was good!). And field trip visits to local operations.
Anyone can join this committee. We all enter the market to buy food.
To explain the name of the committee though, let's start with the 'Market' as anyone growing crops for sale. Let's recognize the wonderful event of growing a crop to sell, interacting in the market, and walking away with cash in your pocket. I totally respect anyone who dares grow their own food, but this committee takes it that huge step furthur. Truth is, it's RISKY to market garden in Central Florida and we can all help each other.
The second part of the name, 'Gardener' is still ringing of the human, natural element. Being able to look the person who is buying your crops right in the eye and take his cash. Not a stockholders conglomerate that uses green all over its labels. We are involved with our crops, we feed them to our families, we know them intimately. Gardener is a term applied to a person who grows his crops sustainably and honestly. (This is the part where we're supposed to mention Organic and all that stuff).
A Market Gardener's operation may be as small as a few pots of basil to flavor cornbread at a farmer' market or as big as a multi-generational ranch supplying a theme park restaurant. We're just looking for that entrepreneurial spark that forms the foundation of the economy. At the turn of the last century, European urban market gardens that ringed every major city were a primary source of food. Let's use this committee to make this wonderful concept function again. And think of all the jobs we can help create!
I'm no 'guest expert' as to how to grow crops. I leave that to IFAS and the Master Gardeners (to whom I owe a garden of gratitude). I'm not intending for this committee to be the garden pest guest expert for every eater out there, but I always try to help when I can.
This committee is for us, the risk takers, growers, producers, the foundation of the economy. WE RULE!
My Sundew Gardens is a one-man operation so take pity on me. My organized events are happening once or twice a month, so that would be the best time to visit my gardens. This is the beginning, and I'm sure with your interest and involvement, we can make a difference. Please visit me on my 'Sundew Gardens' facebook page:!/pages/Sundew-Gardens/300609518579 . Thanks, Tom Carey 407-430-2178
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Volunteer Opportunities with Central Florida Sustainable Food Project
Monday, January 31, 2011
Time to Make "Hey" in the Garden

While the rest of the continent hunkers down for another blizzard, we need to take advantage of the early start to our Spring growing season. Taking a prepared risk to plant tomato or pepper seeds while the nights still dip into the 40's is part of our responsibility to the national gardening community. This January's almost 6" of rain is money in the soil bank, so start earning a return on your investment. Like I always say "Make Hey* while the sun is shining"! (*Hey, as in having fun.)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Permaculture Design Course in Orlando
Bradford White, our instructor, is an Ecologist, world traveler, and Gaia University associate on the track of integrative eco-social design. Bradford has lived and worked on permaculture, food forestry, and perennial food systems projects throughout Central America, the Pacific Northwest, and Orlando, FL. Bradford attained his Permaculture Teaching Training Credentials in order to spread the philosophy of love and earth care through means of permaculture application in Central Florida.
Fee: $1,150 members / $1,200 non-members
Advanced Registration Required!
More info at http://www.simplelivingins
Monday, January 3, 2011
Composting Workshop at Simple Living Institute

An account by Lars Paul Linden
I hacked at the rotting fruit. The tool was a sharp blade, curved like a crescent. Others in the workshop hacked along side me. We chopped up big leaves and the leave's woody stems. In this we added another layer; we were making a compost pile. With each layer that we added, we learned a little more about composting. I observed varying colors and textures, all quite beautiful. The hacking motions were rhythmic and satisfying, and somehow rambunctious.

Even as I am eager for advanced knowledge of organic gardening, I am in no hurry. I relish in my recent and newly found simple ideas. The compost pile is filled with life. The compost pile is alive. For me, this idea requires knowledge, but also perhaps some imagination. My new friends, microorganisms, are in there. By habit I think of a metaphor that they have little microorganism homes and little microorganism communities. I desire to know their names and to see them under magnification; however, at the workshop I thought mostly about the the differing colors of each layer.

I report now these colors: green-browns and brown-greens, yellow-oranges and orange-yellows. Each layer was different. Some of us took photos, and surely these could be cropped to be expressions of abstraction. A photo of a compost pile is a kind of abstract art.
Volcanic ash was sprinkled on top, to season the compost. While I am not sure, I think we collectively made a small prayer, each in our own way, to all compost piles. Together we had created a simple compost pile and it was a beautiful sight, the compost pile and us standing there admiring it. The next day it occurred to me that the compost pile is a kind of opposite of the garden itself.