Jean Vasicek was our featured speaker in March. Her introduction told us that she has a degree in Physics and worked in the Aerospace industry. Then the swicheroo! She told us how her interest in keeping bees turned into a bountiful business.
She created the company called Winter Park Honey 5 years ago and sells honey locally and all over the world.
Her stories of how she went from just being "interested" to being in business were full of toil and triumph! Her natural humor shone through her sometimes emotional explanations. Raising bees and collecting honey and bringing it to market are all laborious and time consuming. Her stellar slide show made her story quite vivid.
Jean wrapped up her presentation by explaining a few of the holistic and medicinal benefits of enjoying, especially local, honey. Many of us learned things about honey that we didn't know before!
Thankfully, she brought her divine tasting honey to sell. We bought 3 different kinds!!
Boy! we had fun guessing which was which by tasting and not looking at the labels.
http://www.winterparkhoney.com Jeans sells at many local farmer's market and on line.
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